Mercedes'Gullwing', Recognizable by its'gull wing doors'that opened upwards and its fantastic original design… ! Couldn't help drawing this unique piece of art since I was a little kid… At last it's done!
The original 1954 technical drawing at the bottom was found on the net… The photo isn't the best I could get… : (… And all the details are not clearly visible… 100X70cm on smooth paper… 100 Hours I used for the first time 9b caran d'ache… La fameuse Mercedes'Gullwing'… Ma voiture preferee… Il etait temps que je la dessine, et je pense que le resultat merite bien les 100 heures passees dessus… Seul bemol: la photo que j'ai prise et qui ne reflette pas les details qui font de cette oeuvre la plus difficile que j'ai realise jusqu'a present…
Mercedes Gullwing 1954