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Whirling Dervishes. Shafique Farooqi Muhammad Shafique Farooqi
Sufism is the core theme of his art. He believes that Sufism is a step by step process that requires time and dedication. His zeal for spirituality is presented in his calligraphy and whirling dervishes, but its riot mere words painted on a canvas. His calligraphy technique is unique; he paints with his fingertips and palm of his hand. I do not use a paint brush. I use palm of my hand to paint the canvas, my fingertips, thumb and knife to sharpen the edges. I feel that each letter has a character of its own, which the artist must portray with beauty. The letters must speak through the medium to present its meaning;'he says.
Whirling Dervishes
Arte Contemporáneo,  Pinturas,  Oleo
Autor: Shafique Farooqi
5.1 x  91.4 x  61 cm  /   2 x  36 x  24 in
Peso 5 kg   /  11.02 lbs
Temas: Religiones, Espiritual  /   Características: Enmarcado  /   Autenticidad: Original  /   Tipos de artistas: Artistas profesionales  /   Soportes: Sobre lienzo  /  
Publicado: 3 de septiembre, 2022 / Modificado: 3 de septiembre, 2022
Copyright Muhammad Shafique Farooqi

Whirling Dervishes
636 €  452 £  725 $ 
En venta
Muhammad Shafique Farooqi
Muhammad Shafique Farooqi
Artista Pintor 
Islamabad, Pakistán
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